Sundays in My City~ Still Recovering....
The blizzard i spoke of on Friday....
smacked us REAL good!
Non-stop winds, non-stop snow (friday 8am-sunday 8am).
Major drifting in the drive has caused considerable plowing, at least 10 feet of it.
Gotta love Canadian winters!
As if having a nice blizzard doesn't do us all in, we get to shovel in -30C (wind chill).
Extra Awesome.
Thanks to Unknown Mami for hosting 'Sundays in my City'!
I'm loving this opportunity to see how we're all doing today!!

I linked you up. You don't have to link, but if you do it's easier for people to click on the link and come and visit your blog.
The sidebar pictures of the Chucleheads are too cute!
Hope you get dug out soon.