Some Awarded Bliss
Two lovely bloggy friends bestowed upon me some awards last weekend. I know, awards eh?? Pretty sweet--Everyone loves knowing that something they do makes others happy, and well, today i feel pretty honoured. But i first have a little work ahead of me, to accept these awards...
The first award is the 'Sunshine Award' from Rabea at EllaBellaMozzarella. Kind of ironic- while she gave me this award for my blog 'brightening' her day, i should turn around and give it right back to her! I mean, who can't be happy when reading a blog called EllaBellaMozzarella?? Just sounds like too much fun!
The rules are as follows:
~Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
~Pass the award onto 12 bloggers.
~Link the nominees within your post.
~Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
~Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.
Here is my list of 12 blogs that brighten my day, each and every time i visit! (In no particular order)
1. Nancy @ Away We Go
2. Holly @ Why Mom Drinks Rum
3. Jodi @ The Bee Hive
4. Michele @ Finding Trinity
5. JennyMac @ Let's Have A Cocktail
6. Matty @ Matty Thoughts
7. Joanna @ The Fifty Factor
8. Miss Grace @ Miss Grace's Disgrace
9. The Girl with Flour in her Hair @ Peeling An Orange With A Screwdriver
10. Braden @ Songs & Cigarettes
11. the Confessor @ Confessions of a Homeschooler
12. Helen @ Feeding Five For Fifty
**13. Special Nod to Unknown Mami (i know you probably have a zillion awards already!)
The second award i received is called the "Happy 101 Award".
To accept the "Happy 101 Award", I need to:
~acknowledge the person who gave it to me - Audrey @ Audrey's Country Crafts
~list 10 items that make me happy
~award it to 10 other bloggers
Here are my 10 Happy Things (in no particular order):
1. The Feeling of Sunshine on My Face
2. My Kids...most of the time, lol.
3. My hubby.
4. Being 'on the Water' a boat, seaside, whatever!
5. Reading Gossip Mags (shh!)
6. Writing
7. Coffee. Americano...i suppose Wine & Beer make me really happy!!
8. Gardening
9. Red Maple Trees
10. GLEE (best tv show ever and i am sooo sad it won't be back until April!)
10 Fabulous Make Me Happy Blogs:
1. Traci @ 38 & Growing
2. Juliana @ A Blonde Walks Into A Blog
3. Sonya @ Home Cooking with Sonya
4. Frau @ West Family Adventures
5. Sheri @ This Bird's Day
6. Casey @ The Starnes Family
7. Keely @ The UnMom
8. MsBibi @ From Misery to Happiness in 365 Days
9. LeeAnn @ View From the Hamster Wheel
10. Sara @ Domestically Challenged
WOW- it's not easy accepting Awards! But, i thank you all nonetheless.

Thank you so much for passing one to me. I feel so loved.
Also, don't hold off on the photo skills, very entertaining stuff.