Tell Me Tuesday

Last week, i asked for help with some ideas of things the kids could make as gifts for Christmas! Thanks!
~Decorated picture frames with their picture inside
~Dish cloths/towels, with fabric paint hands on them
~Baked goods in decorated tins or mugs
~Mason jars filled with layered yummy recipes!
~Homemade bath salts
~Decorated plant pots
Tell Me Tuesday This Week:
Each year we try to donate what we can to a few different causes or charities. I really feel this is an important thing to do, whether you choose to donate close to home or far away! So- i would love to hear about what causes/charities YOU donate time or money to?? What are your reasons for helping out with those causes/charities? And, perhaps you could even share a link to a cause/charity... just in case we are not aware of it and might like to do so ourselves!
I am very excited to see how you all give!

We make an annual donation to our local fire company and ambulance corps. And to cancer research, because it's no stranger to our family.
We also donate to Stars because it saves so many people.
I would LOVE to donate to soo many more but I unfortunately I can not.
My son has a bad case of NF1.
Typically we donate but it changes every year. We've donated to a group home (bought all the girls hair straighteners, blow dryers and hair accessories), to toy mountain and to the Lioness adopt a family. We often try to donate to teens as they usually get forgotten.
We try to stay away from bigger organizations because of their overhead. ie. Canadian Cancer Society = over 50% of your donation will go to marketing or the United Way = the CEO makes over $300 000.00 a year and I have trouble donating my money to someone who makes more than me. But that's just me.
What do you do?
As our kids get older I would like to do less donating and more actual volunteering.
Every year I help microfinance a loan for $25 to an entrepreneur. When they pay it back, I lend it to someone else. It's wonderful because you get to help someone grow their business and then you can helping others when you get paid back. Someday I hope to have a bunch of $25 loans out. So far I only have 4.