Tell Me Tuesday

Last week, i asked how many of you are ready for Christmas with prezzies stored away? Or if you will be fighting the masses on Christmas Eve? Most of you seem to have more done than i, so big props to you! While you claim to be organized, the truth did surface- you shop as your budget allows or because you find 'cheap' deals other times in the year. To that i say, BIGGER props! (January credit card debt blows- so avoid it at all costs!)
Tell Me Tuesday This Week:
I need ideas people! I like to get the kids involved with the gift-giving process, but since they do not really have an allowance, we generally strive to have them make something. What types of homemade gifts do you have your kiddos make for family members, preschool teachers etc?
I know that i have some very crafty followers, so let me have it!
I know that i have some very crafty followers, so let me have it!

Someone made a coffee cake for me and it was delicious
Someone gave me a bouquet of flowers and that was beautiful and looked nice on the holiday table.
1. Paint a picture frame and place his preschool picture inside it. He loves to paint so this is perfect for him!
2. I am going to go out and buy some dish clothes and dish towels and some fabric paint and let him put his hand prints all over them!! At the bottom I will put the year. :)
Now they help me bake and they make little baskets of goodies or little mugs filled with homemade truffles or mini cookies.
As for children, they could cut and insert a photo of the recipient into a home made picture frame.
- Jar with cookie or bar ingredients layered and a recipe. Those "nature bars" are a good one because all the flakes and nuts and seeds look pretty layered
- Jar with homemade hot cocoa mix and a kid-decorated mug (kit we got at craft store with special markers)
- Bath salts: epsom salts and sea salt from bulk store + "flavours" (essential oils, cocoa, peppermint, spices)
- Kid decorated plant pot and plant (plain terracotta plant pots are super cheap at craft store or rona)
This year I'd think we're going to get the melt and pour soap and do that for people with little toys and trinkets inside! I shall call it surprise soap!
BIRD FEEDERS. Geez, how could I forget that. We did the milk carton ones when Elissa was little and soon I think we'll do wooden ones. With proper birdseed of course.