Sundays In My City~ Cowtown goes Jurassic

My baby girl turned 4years old this weekend! Where has the time gone? It was Birthday Girls choice- so we were off to the Calgary Zoo for the day with her little boyfriend from school in tow (no, i haven't been hiding anyone from you). As you will see, we found much more than lions, tigers and bears (oh my!) at the zoo...

The Gang- ready to be scared!~

Xman roared back at every dino. He was completely in his element. All the dinos were motion sensored and moved and made noise-awesome!

Cr*p! Strolling into a T-Rex in the mountains is much scarier than a grizzly bear...

Trying to NOT lose anyone.

My favourite shot of the day!! I love the contrast of dinosaur to 'modern city life' in the background.

I hope your Sunday is going well, wherever you are. If you have a moment, be sure to pop over to Unknown Mami to see what the rest of the gang has been up to!

Unknown Mami


Nancy C said…
How seriously fun. My boys are nuts for all things dinosaur.
Matty said…
Wow, real dinosaurs. Very neat.
Sonya said…
Happy Birthday to your adorable daughter! the time goes by fast doesnt it. They grow up so fast.

The pictures are so great!
Prairiemaid said…
Looks like you guys are having a wonderful time. Love your pictures!

I'm am going to grab you button.

Have a great week!
Anonymous said…
Trinity and her dad went to this last weekend!
She's still talking about it ;)

Great fun. ;)
Lee Ann said…
Love the pictures, Happy Birthday wee girl xxxxx
Unknown said…
I can just picture X roaring back at the dinos. too cute. Happy Year being 4, Beebo. You are doing a good job growing up. Love and kisses, Grandma Roe and Papa Buz
Joanna Jenkins said…

It never occurred to me to go to the zoo in the winter! How fun!

Thanks for sharing your city.

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