Where Could He Be?
Yesterday the little man was barking at everyone! None of us were very pleasing to him at all. I was wrapping some presents in the livingroom and Girlie was in her room singing. (I was soooo happy she went to her room to sing-- she was driving me batty!) Anyhow, it wasn't until Miss Singing-Thing was gone that I realized how quiet it was. How very, very quiet.
Then it dawned on me! It was too quiet!
I began to look around the house for the Mister. Ten minutes in, I started to worry. His coat and boots were still hanging up, so he wasn't outside. His room was empty and no one was downstairs at all! I had run out of places to look; the usual suspects were not hiding Xman. Then I remembered that when Xman is grouchy, sometimes he goes behind his bed. It seems to be his calming down spot.
And there he was... asleep behind his bed! Cue the awwwwwwww! Phew, cute as a button, but now I knew where he was at least. I was a little puzzled as to why he was so tired, but whatever-- little dude loves his sleep! (I put him to bed at 730pm the night before and he was out within 15 minutes. Then I had to wake him for school the next day at 815am.) I left him sleeping for about half hour and then woke him up. It was nearing 4pm and I didn't want this little nap messing with bedtime!
We were all very thankful for Xman's self taken nap. His demeanor was entirely different and we all were happy about that.
Do you have a little sleeper who can happily pull up a bed wherever the need calls??

Nope, my kids sleep in two places: beds and cars. Good and bad, I guess.
oh and 'choo choo!' haha
BUT I am so jealous of parents with kids who actually like sleep, LOL.
She was sound asleep in her toy box in the closet (yup - I've got pictures).