Wordless Wednesday

Okay, a few words... taking in some sunshine and fresh air...
Two kids- fevers.for.days! - NO other symptoms??
One perplexed Mommy, with no really good reasons to take them to the doctor.
I am not a 'rush to the doctor type'- in fact, these kiddos have NEVER been to the doc when ill and have never needed antibiotics. Rest, fluids, and more rest work many wonders.
They are both sleeping well (except when feverish) and eating just fine.
What would you do?? We're nearing 5 days- at what point is it all too much??

The 'odd' fever spikes a bit high, but none of the fevers have been hard to break.
There is a nasty strain of Norwalk going around--but i don't think it's that. I also know a few other kids who all have similar fever issues with no other symptoms. Just waiting for a sign!
I am thankful to not be cleaning up vomit however, LOL!~
Enjoy the sunshine! :)