Kinder Surprise Minions - They're Not Just for Kids!

Part of the enjoyment of being a KinderMom ambassador comes from all the fun news I get to share with you, about a treat that all kids love!

But recently, it hasn't just been the kids who've been worked up. Nope. When grown adults start sending you pictures on Facebook of their Kinder® Surprise® Minions collections, and blaming YOU for their new-found addiction, you know we're all stoked about the upcoming movie release on July 10th!

I may have even succumbed to Minion Mania myself.  *Doh!*

At least the kids had lots of chocolate to eat
when they came home from school,

Kinder® Surprise® is always there to perk up a road-trip, summer picnic or a day of hiking. Be sure to tag @KinderCanada on Instagram and Twitter, so they can see all your fun moments too! 

Plus, there is lots more Minion fun on Kinder Canada'a Facebook page! 

Have you collected all 11 Minions yet?? 

DISCLAIMER DISCLOSURE: I’m a #KinderMom/Maman/Dad who is part of the KINDER® Canada influencer team; as part of my affiliation with KINDER® Canada, I am provided with special perks and products. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


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