5 Tips to a Glowing Summer YOU!

Summertime is just around the corner and with all of the extra summer activities and fun about to hit your plate, it can be hard to find the time to take care of yourself. 

Having a good time this summer means staying healthy, so here are a few tips to ensure your summer kicks off without a hitch.

1 - Water. Eau. Agua.

  • Drinking lots of water will help keep you hydrated and help cool you down on those hot, humid days. Carry a reusable water bottle with you to replenish fluids on-the-go! 

2 - Sunny Days are Here *finally*

  • Throughout the long winter months, we often find ourselves craving the warm embrace of the sun, but too much of a good thing can lead to problems. Find a stylish hat (I love my hats!), wear your SPF and be sure to rock some cool shades to protect your eyes (the kids too!). During peak sunshine times, retreat to the indoors to enjoy some lemonade or a movie and some popcorn. You can always play outdoors later when the sun isn't so high in the sky!

3 - Did You Remember Your Vitamins?

  • In the winter, we always make sure to take our daily vitamins; however, come summer we often forget. Feel your best with Vitafusion Men's Complete Multivitamin and Vitafusion Women's Complete Multivitamin to get your daily dose all year round.

4 - You Are What You Eat (Fruits & Veggies are your friends!)

  • Summer is the perfect excuse to expand your palate. There are so many tasty fruits and vegetables in season, you'd be amiss in not trying some. Strawberries are at their prime in June, which means not only are they at their best, but they are readily available at a good price too.

5 - Work It and... Take It Outdoors!

  • The cold winter months (all 9 of them in these parts!) make it hard to get motivated to do ANYTHING active, especially going to the gym. This summer, take the gym outdoors! Walk the trails with your dog, go for a run or even, gardening in your backyard. There are so many great reasons to head outside and get active.

This summer, 

stay healthy, make memories and have fun!

*I am a brand ambassador for the 2015 year with Church & Dwight. As part of this program I receive monetary compensation, as well as products to review and giveaway. The opinions expressed belong to PeekThruOurWindow.com.*


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