To My Little Girl Beebo
On this day Beebo, your first REAL day of Kindergarten- MommyO wants you to know that i am so proud of you and love the little girl you have become. I hope that school is everything you have dreamt about! You really have waited a long time for this day to come; Kindergarten has been in your sights since you were three! We did lots of preschool to fill the void, but your heart belonged to Kindergarten.
MommyO wasn't totally excited about you riding the school bus, but you were excited enough for the both of us! When Bus Driver Dave pulled up to our driveway and opened the bus doors, you were jumping up and down with glee! I hope your enthusiasm for school never ends... that you love learning lots about everything and that you meet special, new friends. (And that your school bus exuberance lasts through the -40C temperatures- Brrr!)
I secretly worried that you did not pay attention to your teacher well enough yesterday to make it from the bus to your class. But we are half way through the morning and no one has called to say they can't find you, so i guess everything went okay. Us Mom's worry about weird stuff like that, but only because we care.
So, my BIG beautiful Kindergartener-- never stop smiling and remember to always be you. I look forward to hearing about each and every day you experience, even if it causes you to chatter non-stop.
All my love. MommyO.

*Please check the link HERE to see if you have seen this boy or this man. AMBER ALERT *
I remember the first after noon of my daughters kindergarten I left work early to watch and make sure her teacher got her on the bus. Sounds creepy when I write it but I was so worried she would get on the wrong one!
Have a wonderful weekend!