Add an Echelon Bacon Wrapped Turducken Roast to your Holiday Plans... We Dare You!

Last holiday season, we weren't hosting Christmas Day dinner so I decided to hold off making a Turducken until Xman's family birthday dinner, just after New Years. For those not-in-the-know, a Turducken is:

Needless to say, the Echelon Turducken was a HUGE hit...

In fact, it was a meal we talked about ALL year!

This past Thanksgiving, Echelon offered us a Bacon Wrapped Turducken Roast to try out and really, there was no good reason to say no to an offer like that! 

We were heading to the cabin for Thanksgiving weekend, so I brought our Rival Roaster Oven for the task. Now that we have solar power at the cabin, using the roaster oven made sense over running the propane oven all day.

I threw it all in 'da pot, as they say.

And a few hours later, we were feasting on BACON wrapped deliciousness!

(But who are we kidding... 
bacon makes everything awesome even more awesome!)

So if I were you, I'd add an Echelon Bacon Wrapped Turducken Roast to your holiday plans this year. They are easy to cook, smell and taste amazing, and are sure to please your guests.

We DARE you!


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