Tell Me Tuesday

Last week, i had a little rant about how chocolate milk has been switcheroo'ed for something called 'beverage'. While it isn't a staple in our home, just the fact that a milk company would change their ingredients without really informing the public, has me up in arms about the state of 'eating right'. So instead of buying the odd carton of chocolate milk, i have decided it is better to do (as a few readers suggested) the Low-Sugar Nestle Quik syrup; at least its ingredients are normal and actually, not scary!
I also promised i would tell you about FRESH Orange Juice. Seems what might be nutritious for us, should actually be fully researched to see how the heck it is made? Would you be grossed out to know that fresh Oj, (like the stuff in gable-topped containers a la Tropicana) is actually ONE YEAR OLD??
Yep, how fresh is that??
Ugh. Um...frozen OJ from now on for us. Read this LINK!
Tell Me Tuesday This Week:
Hubby and i *might* have the chance to sneak away for a mini-vacation. We have never been on a vacation without our kids. Needless to say we are dying for one and are stoked at the prospect of it. Thing is, we don't want to spend a lot of money... but we NEED to have sunshine and warmth. Ahhh. You've seen our temps here right??-- We must get away! (Timing- End of April, 5-7 days)
Here's how you can help!
We've been thinking about going to Las Vegas and I know that lots of you have been there before! So, i need to know all about where you stayed and the things you did?? Was it fun? Not fun? Would you do it again or no? Recommendations plz!

There is a booth (can't remember what it's called) that you can go to early in the morning to get your tickets for shows that day for much cheaper. I personally liked the jousting at Excalibur. BUT, I'm usually into Vegas for the shopping and the pool lounging!
I've been to Vegas once. We stayed at Paris...I wouldn't recommend it, it's not that great. I would recommend MGM Grand, it's nice and it's in the middle of the strip so less walking ;)
Sorry I am no help for Vegas.