Quiet No More : March is Epilepsy Awareness Month
Do you know someone who has Epilepsy?
I do. A child barely one year old. "Bodiddly's" Mother had this to say on Facebook after her sons most recent seizure:
"Sometimes I 'forget' our baby has Epilepsy. Like tonight when we jumped in the pool for a quick dip. Having such a fun time, focusing on our family, and then it happens. Nope he's not nuzzling me, he's having a seizure and his head is hitting mine. Hard. I cradle him and bam he goes limp and is unresponsive. We start rubbing him, talking to him, trying to bring him back, meanwhile kids are laughing and splashing around us. By the time we get him to the locker room he's a little more there but I'm still freaked out because that one scared me. Now he's sleeping, but I won't because what if it happens again? This is what it's like to have a child with Epilepsy. You never know when it's coming or how bad it's going to be or what the aftermath is going to look like. Most days you carry the whole world on your shoulders with a smile on your face because you need to stay strong for your family and be thankful because it could be so much worse. We'll get through this and be better for it. And then the odd time you let your guard down it slaps you right in the face. You want to scream and cry and demand to know why this is happing to YOUR baby. It's not fair. I hate Epilepsy and the 12 word label attached to our baby. Every time I'm caught off guard it's like it's happening for the first time all over again and the world comes crashing down. So what do you do? You cry, make some tea, vent on FB, try to sleep, wake up to a new day, hug 'Bodiddly' so so tight and hope and pray that maybe that was the last one. Tomorrow is a new day."
While I have only met 'Bo' a handful of times, I can see how much this neurological disorder has turned lives upside down. Through diligent managing of medication, diet or surgery one may be able to control some of the seizures; however, there is still so much unknown about this disease that affects over 300,000 Canadians. Research is 'key' to finding an alternative to life on medication.
Epilepsy Canada is a not-for-profit agency that focuses solely on raising money to assist with research for this condition. Funds raised support projects at Canadian Universities and medical centres who are trying to find out the causes of Epilepsy and better ways to treat it. With no direct government funding, Epilepsy Canada relies heavily on corporate and private donations.
The "Quiet No More" campaign brings attention to the need for Epilepsy research funding and encourages any one individual or group to build their own fundraising event using the online tools provided on the website www.Epilepsy.ca .
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Support Epilepsy research this March. Gather your friends, your family and your best idea! Your fundraising help is much appreciated.

*Just to be clear, this is not sponsored content.*